Editorial Team

Chief Editors

Prof. Alexandru Trifu

Faculty of Economics,

“Petre Andrei” University of Iasi, Romania

Email: trifu.alex@gmail.com, alexandru.trifu@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Ciurea Maria

Associate Professor,

Department of Economics Sciences,

University of Petrosani, Romania

Email: mariamacris2011@yahoo.com,  MariaCiurea@upet.ro

Profile Link: https://www.upet.ro/profile/?n=Ciurea&p=Maria

Short Biosketch


Academic Editors

Dr. Sanja Sever Malis

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Economics and Business,

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Email: ssever@efzg.hr

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/zyQTTk

Short Biosketch


Dr. Barthelemy G. Honfoga

Faculty of Agronomic Sciences,

School of Economics, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Email: honfogabg@yahoo.fr

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Govind Pal

ICAR- Indian Institute of Seed Science, India

Email: drpal1975@gmail.com

Profile Link: https://goo.gl/M2yaEf

Short Biosketch


Prof. Emeritus Sherin Ahmed Mohamed Sherif

Department of Economics and Agribusiness,

Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt

Email: sherin.sherif@alexu.edu.eg, sherifsherin54@gmail.com  

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr. Chan Ling Meng

Senior Lecturer,

Graduate School of Management,

Management and Science University, Malaysia 

Email: lmchan@msu.edu.my, cynlingmeng@gmail.com  

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Biswajit Sarkar

Associate Professor,

Department of Industrial and Management Engineering,

Hanyang University, Ansan, South Korea

Email: bsbiswajitsarkar@gmail.com, bsarkar@hanyang.ac.kr    

Profile Link: NA

Short Biosketch


Dr.  Jakaria Dasan

Senior lecturer,

Faculty of business, economics & accountancy

University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia

Email: jakaria@ums.edu.my

Profile Link: NA


Prof. Olexandr Yemelyanov

Department of Business Economics and Investment,

Institute of Economics and Management,

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Email: oleksandr.y.yemelianov@lpnu.ua

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1743-1646

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57201645794


Dr. Fang Xiang

International Business School,

University of International and Business Economics, China

Email: direction10@sina.cn, fangxiang@tsinghua.org.cn     

Profile Link: NA


Dr. Rakesh Verma

Associate Professor,

Department of Business Administration,

AKTU Lucknow University, India

Email: rv.hvpe@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


Dr.María-Dolores Guillamón

Associate Professor,

Department of Financial Economics and Accounting,

Faculty of Business Administration,

University of Murcia, Spain

Email: mdguillamon@um.es

Profile Link: https://webs.um.es/mdguillamon/miwiki/doku.php?id=inicio


Prof. Aleksandr Nikolaevich Sekisov

Department of Construction Production,

Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering,

Kuban State Agrarian University, Russia


Department of Technology, Organization, Construction Economics and Real Estate Management,

Institute of Construction and Transport Infrastructure,

Kuban State Techno-logical University, Russia

Email: alnikkss@gmail.com

Profile Link: NA


A complete list of Editorial Board Members will be published soon.